Business & Property

David is a vastly experienced and assured trial advocate, with experience in the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. He undertakes a wide range of work, crossing the spectrum of the B&PC and KBD.

David’s approach to advisory work focusses squarely on the client’s commercial interests. However, he is always interested in the unusual or arcane. His practice areas include:

  • Commercial Contract Disputes
  • Sale of Goods
  • Consumer Credit Act Claims (including mis-selling, bribery, secret commissions and equitable remedies)
  • Commercial Leases
  • Real Property (including boundary/easement disputes, claims for adverse possession and applications to discharge or modify restrictive covenants)
  • Contentious Probate (including 1975 Act claims)
  • ToLATA Applications
  • Planning Disputes
  • Insolvency & Corporate Restructuring
  • Debt Recovery & Collection 
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Civil Fraud
  • Injunctive relief to protect (defamatory) damage to reputation or provide protection from harassment
  • Costs

Inquests, Public Law & Human Rights

David has appeared on behalf of Properly Interested Persons at Article 2 Inquests of complexity and duration. At a recent Coroner’s Inquest, he dealt with expert evidence in infectious diseases, gastro enterology, emergency medicine, and general practice medicine. He successfully made a ‘Galbraith Plus’ submission to the Coroner, excluding his own client from ‘Boxes 3 and 4’ on the Record of Inquest.

David has appeared in the High Court (KBD Administrative Court) in claims against public authorities, including the Crown Prosecution Service, Home Office and Chief Constables of Police. These cases have involved issues under the Human Rights Act 1998, including the right to respect for life, freedom from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, and the right to family life.


David has represented Local Authorities, Chief Constables, businesses and individuals in licensing appeals involving alcohol sales, firearms and taxi driving licenses.


David represents a wide spectrum of local authorities and social housing providers in connection with disputes ranging from possession proceedings, to anti-social behaviour, housing disrepair and issues under the Equality and Human Rights Acts.


David accepts instructions across a broad spectrum of employment law including:

  • Discrimination
  • Wrongful & Unfair Dismissal (including Redundancy)
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Whistleblowing
  • Protective Awards
  • TUPE Transfers


  • LLB (Hons) University of Sheffield
  • Dubb Lipton Alsop Award 
  • Inner Temple Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Inner Temple Exhibitioner
  • Inner Temple Intern Scholarship


David is a regular contributor to Chambers' programme of CPD training events, recent topics include:


David was the winner of the Inner Temple Inter-Varsity Mooting Competition and Telders Public International Law Mooting Competition (English round), in successive years. He appeared at the International Court of Justice on behalf of English Universities.

David is able to receive instructions direct from the public or businesses through the Bar’s public access scheme.

Clerking team

Steve Walker

Lead Civil Clerk

0191 245 9589

Lead Employment Clerk & Civil Clerk

0191 300 9359

Civil & Criminal Silks' Clerk

0113 3235 955

Civil Clerk

0191 245 9556


01642 247 569

Direct Access Clerk

01642 247 569
