Business & Property Litigation

Jamie regularly appears in both the High Court and the County Court in relation to Business and Property Litigation. He has been recognised nationally for his work in this area including as a Legal 500 Commercial Litigation Leading Junior.


Jamie represents a variety of types of clients, from individuals to large corporations. His commercial experience includes disputes relating to:

  • Covenants in restraint of trade, and employee competition
  • Financial mis-selling, including under the Consumer Credit Act 1974
  • Contractual disputes
  • Partnerships
  • Directors’ disputes
  • Shareholder disputes, including minority shareholder
  • Sale of goods
  • Professional negligence
  • Agriculture and rural affairs

Jamie’s commercial practice also has a significant Chancery element. He has significant experience of disputes involving trusts of the family home, Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, residential landlord and tenant- including easement, boundary disputes and matters relating to covenants.

At the present time, Jamie is undertaking a significant number of instructions nationally in relation to the mis-selling of solar panel systems. The instructions include pleading and advising on claims, interlocutory hearings and trials, where Jamie has achieved significant success.


Jamie frequently acts in both contentious and non-contentious probate claims, both for Claimants and on behalf of estates. He has a particular interest and is experienced in claims under the Inheritance Act 1975. He is also regularly instructed in claims challenging wills and seeking removal of executors.


Jamie is regularly instructed in property litigation, including disputes in relation to rights of way and other easements, title, adverse possession, covenants and boundaries. Jamie advises commercial, residential and agricultural landlords and tenants.


Jamie has a particular interest in insolvency matters, both in relation to individual and corporate insolvency. He has recently advised and appeared in relation to applications to suspend the release from bankruptcy of a high-net worth individual, applications to set aside statutory demands and the dismissal of winding up petitions. In addition, he has appeared for both creditors and the insolvent companies in relation to transfers at an undervalue.


Jamie is recognised by the leading national directories for his experience in this area. He is regularly instructed in high value, multi-day unfair dismissal, discrimination, whistleblowing, and TUPE claims across the UK, and has appellant experience in the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

He acts for a wide range of litigants, including individuals, companies, unions, and NHS Trusts. He is also experienced in acting against litigants in person.

Jamie has a national practice in equal pay litigation and is instructed in multi-week hearings involving multiple Claimants, and has frequently appeared against Silks.


Jamie deals with costs disputes acting on behalf of both Claimants and Defendants. He is instructed in cost budgeting and assessment hearings.


  • Trinity Chambers' Management Committee Treasurer


Jamie regularly provides CPD accredited lectures, recent lectures include on Inheritance Act claims post Ilot, and covenants in restraint of trade.


  • 2:1, LLB Dunelm, University of Durham
  • Very Competent BVC, BPP London
  • Inner Temple Exhibitioner, Duke of Edinburgh Scholar

Clerking team

Steve Walker

Lead Civil Clerk

0191 245 9589

Lead Employment Clerk & Civil Clerk

0191 300 9359

Civil & Criminal Silks' Clerk

0113 3235 955

Civil Clerk

0191 245 9556


01642 247 569
  • "Jamie is an impressive opponent"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2025

  • "Jamie is personable, and a very strong advocate, who is great with clients"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2024

  • "Very easy to deal with and quickly gains the confidence of clients"

    Employment, Chambers UK 2023

  • "He is a thoroughly professional barrister who has a very good manner with clients and has obtained good results under difficult circumstances." "Jamie is approachable, reliable and has a real attention to detail. He provides prompt and comprehensive advice and brings an in-depth understanding to more complex matters"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2022

  • "Jamie is very thorough and well-prepared. His paperwork is always very clear and phrased in ways which are easily understood by our clients. He is also a very strong advocate and not afraid to tell clients if their claim has any weaknesses. His ability to relate to clients in conference and when acting for them is also a particular strength"

    Commercial Litigation, Legal 500 2021

  • "A diligent advocate who regularly appears for claimants and respondents in all conceivable reaches of the employment law practice area. He is highly experienced in representing his clients in claims of unfair dismissal and a variety of discrimination cases". “I have always found him to be excellent in his written advice and advocacy skills"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2021

  • "He is great at handling very complex cases and is brilliant with clients." "He is very good at drafting documents"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2020

  • "He has an excellent rapport with Clients"

    Commercial, Legal 500 2020

  • "Always well-prepared and confident in his delivery while on his feet"

    Employment, Legal 500 2020

  • "A very talented barrister. He is very good with clients and very personable. He is also very good on his feet advocacy-wise." "Wonderful to work with. He puts clients at ease and is a fantastic advocate"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2019

  • "He quickly grasps the core issues in a case"

    Commercial, Banking, Insolvency and Chancery Law, Legal 500 2019

  • "He has a scrupulous eye for detail"

    Employment, Legal 500 2019

  • "He handles negotiation in a very clever and sophisticated fashion." "His approach with clients is fantastic. Jamie also has the ability to get to grips with a matter very quickly and gives a good insight into how tribunal proceedings may go"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2018

  • "A very strong cross-examiner, who is personable with clients"

    Commercial, Banking, Insolvency & Chancery Law, Legal 500 2017

  • "An excellent advocate who builds client rapport very quickly"

    Employment, Legal 500 2017

  • "A diligent advocate who regularly appears for claimants and respondents in all conceivable reaches of the employment law practice area, from redundancies and dismissals to discrimination cases. He has a particularly esteemed reputation for handling equal pay litigation and acting for claimants in maternity-related claims.” "He has a very commercial and pragmatic view of a case. There's no ceremony, he gets straight to the heart of what the main issues are"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2017

  • "An intelligent advocate with excellent client relationship skills"

    Commercial, Banking, Insolvency & Chancery, Legal 500 2016

  • "He's smart but deals with clients in a very personable way and can speak to them in layman's terms"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2016

  • "Very knowledgeable on the law, and has excellent analytical ability"

    Commercial, Banking & Insolvency, Legal 500 2015

  • "An excellent advocate with great client care skills"

    Employment, Legal 500 2015

  • "Regularly offers advice and representation to claimants in discrimination cases and TUPE-related dismissals. He is particularly experienced in matters concerning equal pay litigation. "He provides excellent client care, he is able to think on his feet and is willing to engage in a two-way exchange of ideas, which is extremely important for effective advocacy." Successfully represented claimants against St Helens MBC in an equal pay claim"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2015

  • "Calm and approachable"

    Commercial, Banking & Insolvency, Legal 500 2014

  • "He is very approachable and has excellent advocacy skills"

    Employment, Legal 500 2014

  • "Represents both claimants and respondents across a range of employment cases, although he is particularly highly noted for his expertise in equal pay and unfair dismissal claims"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2014

  • "fierce cross-examiner" Jamie Morgan. He has, according to solicitors, "a good appreciation of the wider issues involved in the litigation process"

    Chambers & Partners 2013

  • "commended for his equal pay work. He recently appeared before the Employment Tribunal in Hovell v Ashford & St. Peters Hospital NHS Trust"

    Chambers & Partners 2012

  • "a fantastic choice for employment tribunal cases"

    Employment, Chambers & Partners 2011

Transparently Limited v Growth Capital Ventures Limited [2022] EWHC 144 (TCC) successfully represented the Respondent software company before Mrs Justice O’Farell, opposing an application for a mandatory interim injunction, which sought the delivery up of software, source code and other documents with alleged losses in excess of £20 million.

(1) Funding Circle Limited (2) Funding Circle Trustee Limited v Metcalfe [2020], High Court, successfully represented the Claimants in a three-day High Court Trial before HHJ Kramer on the enforceability of a personal guarantee against the Defendant.

(1) Khani (2) Fakharzadeh v Mortgage Express Ltd [2021], High Court, successfully represented the second applicant in relation to payment of sums out of Court relating to the sale of a property.

Rowflow Limited v Hartech Building Services Limited [2021], County Court, representing the Claimant in relation to a claim and counterclaim relating to a breach of contract for the carrying out of works at a significant property development.

BH Mortgage Services Limited v Chambers and Others [2020] County Court, before HHJ Kramer, represented the Defendants in relation to an application for an interim injunction relating to a restraint of trade clause.

Evergreen Timber Frames Limited v Harrington [2021] UKEAT/0072/20/AT successfully represented the Respondent in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in a breach of contract claim relating to a termination agreement.

Forth v Unitel Direct Limited [2021], Employment Tribunal, successfully appeared on behalf of the Respondent in an eight-day hearing in which the Claimant made multiple allegations of whistleblowing detriment and dismissal.

McKie v Kim [2021], County Court, represented the commercial landlord in a significant dispute regarding an alleged breach of covenant and allegedly significant damages arising from the same.

Webworks Internet UK Limited v Parker [2021], County Court, represented the employer in relation to an alleged breach of a covenant in restraint of trade.
