Whilst remaining a Door Tenant at Trinity Chambers, Patrick has moved into international practice and is no longer accepting new instructions. Please contact the Family clerking team with any queries.
Financial Remedy
Patrick has a particular expertise in financial proceedings arising from relationship breakdown. He advises and represents clients with assets from the very small to the substantial in all aspects of financial remedy proceedings as well as proceedings pursuant to Schedule 1 CA 1989 and TOLATA 1996.
- Applications pursuant to Sch. 1 Children Act 1989
- Applications pursuant to section 25 MCA 1973
- Pensions
- Cohabitation
- Injunctions
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Private FDRs
- Hidden Assets
- Imerman & illegally obtained evidence
Private Law Children
Patrick accepts instructions in cases which involve the most serious of issues including domestic abuse, parental alienation and emotional abuse, physical abuse including sexual abuse and those with international and complicated relocation (both internal and external) arguments.
Patrick has had cases featured in the popular ‘Transparency Project’ blog, notably the reporting of a successful appeal in which he represented the Appellant Mother. https://transparencyproject.org.uk/when-worlds-and-words-collide/.
Patrick has considerable experience in Child Protection matters and an in depth knowledge of Local Authority processes. This is a significant advantage to his clients.
- Applications for Child Arrangement Orders
- Applications pursuant to s.91.14 CA 1989
- Applications for Specific Issue & Prohibited Steps Orders
- Applications which involve the operations of PD 12J & PD 3AA
- Serious Domestic Abuse, Alienation, Sexual Abuse & Injury
- Temporary & permanent removal from the Jurisdiction
- Internal relocation
- Parental alienation
- Fact Finding Hearings
Child Abduction
The focus of Patrick’s Masters in Law (LLM) was on international child abduction. He has been instructed in High Court applications under the Hague Convention and deals with international cases which involve both Hague and Non-Hague Countries.
- Child Abduction, including applications under the Hague Convention
- Advising in relation to the Child Abduction Act 1984
Patrick is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and is qualified to undertake Arbitrations and make Written Determinations under both the Financial Scheme and Children Scheme.
- IFLA Financial & Children Scheme Arbitrator
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- North Eastern Circuit
- Associate member of the Society of Hair Testing (SoHT)
Public Access Qualified
Patrick regularly gives seminars to solicitors on a range of topics.
- LLB (Hons) University of Leeds
- LLM Advanced Legal Practice Northumbria University Law School
- BVC Northumbria University Law School
- Shelford Scholar Lincoln’s Inn
Outside of his practice, Patrick is a keen rugby fan (his playing days now having ended). He enjoys shooting and spending the weekends with his family and dogs.