Reported Cases
Re D (a minor) [1987] AC 317
R v James [1996] Crim.L.R. 650
R v Burstow [1997] UKHL 34
R v Massey [2001] EWCA Crim 2850
R v Johnson and others [2009] EWCA Crim 649
R v Thompson et al [2010] EWCA (Crim) 1623
Re LM represented defendant in the Crown Court in a ‘baby-shaking’ prosecution, then represented him in the High Court (Wilson J) in the linked care proceedings.
Re D (a minor) (above) represented mother of baby born addicted to heroin, the first case of its kind (in 1986). Magistrates Court, Divisional Court, Court of Appeal, led by Scott Baker QC in the House of Lords.
Re RK and KK represented a mother endeavouring to retrieve her children from ‘voluntary care’. Lengthy hearings in two magistrates’ courts. Court of Appeal.
Elle v M and others represented owner of luxury clothing shop in Wigmore Street, damage caused by a fall of débris from building works in claim against architect, builders and property owners.
R v CC prosecution of 63 year old for rape of two of his sisters fifty years ago.
R v SS and another defence, care home fraud.
R v JD defence in prosecution by Environmental Health, illegal waste.
R v TA and others leading for one defendant in a multi-handed ‘grooming’ case.
R v AH defence of taxi driver charged with false imprisonment of a female passenger, and sexual assault.
R v FI defence in rape, late night attack in Newcastle City Centre.
R v KG defence, rape of girlfriend.
R v LC defence, brutal attack on elderly lady in her own home.
R v PL prosecution of a serial rapist; some were international in the sense that the defendant ‘groomed’ boys online, then by threats to reveal intimate photographs they had sent him coerced them into sexual abuse of other, smaller, children online. In one instance he forced a fifteen year old boy in Florida to rape, online, the boy’s twelve month old niece.
R v SW defence, importation of large quantity of amphetamine in AdBlue tank of lorry.
R v CB defence, historical rape of daughters, sexual abuse of son.
R v JE defence, historical rape of pre-teen boys now in their late twenties.
R v BP defence, historical sexual abuse of stepson. Defendant aged 67, died before trial.
R v RC and another leading for the prosecution in a multi-million pound property (‘Ponzi’) fraud.
R v HB leading for the prosecution in another multi-million pound property (‘Ponzi’) fraud.
R v RK prosecution of doctor charged with gross negligence manslaughter of patient.
R v CF defence, historical rape of daughter over six year period. Hung jury, re-trial featured added counts of sexual abuse of niece which took place during the course of the first trial.
R v D and Others leading in three month prosecution of property fraud.
R v Adams murder prosecution (alone).
R v S defending in case of disqualified director running care homes.
R v H and N prosecution of armed robberies, cash in transit from security guards.
R v Grant & others murder prosecution (alone)
R v DR prosecution of attempted murder, using a sawn-off shotgun.
R v Thompson (above) attempted murder prosecution. Appeal to Court of Appeal on issue of jury sending note to judge after conviction, and jurors writing to the defendant in prison. (Joined in the C of A with a number of other jury issue cases). Conviction upheld.
R v BJ prosecution, male rape.
R v Littlewood & others defending in conspiracy to kidnap and rob driver of lorry load of mobile telephones. Police led to one defendant by DA inside glove discarded at scene of burn-out of a car used by the conspirators, and to the rest by cell-site analysis and mobile ‘phone attribution.
R v AB prosecuting one of gang involved in bank card “skimming” and cloning; potential loss to banks in excess of £1m.
R v W and J prosecuting gross negligence manslaughter, gas fitters allegedly responsible for carbon monoxide poisoning of owner of a flat in the new development of the former Littlemore psychiatric hospital outside Oxford.
R v Johnson and others (Operation Haul, above) leading for the prosecution in a series of burglary conspiracies, case brought by a total of five police authorities following a lengthy investigation into well over one hundred country house burglaries. The defendants were ‘travellers’ (the ‘Johnson family’) who lived on a site near Evesham. The BBC had in 2005 broadcast a documentary entitled ‘Country Strife: a Summer with the Johnsons’. The first trial involved fourteen defendants who burgled commercial premises for valuable metals. The second was of five defendants in a conspiracy to burgle country houses. This included a separate trial of the burglary of Waddesdon Manor, the former Rothschild country house near Aylesbury; £5 – 8m of 18th century trinket boxes and objets d’art stolen. The case was the subject of a prosecution appeal to the Court of Appeal on a “terminating ruling”. The conspiracy included what was then the most valuable domestic theft in the country, estimated at up to £40m of antiques. The convictions were upheld in the Court of Appeal. Paul received a commendation from the Chief Constables of the five police forces involved in the case.
R v Hadley and Others leading for the prosecution in re-trial of drugs conspiracy which went to the House of Lords in the course of the first trial as R v H & C [2004] 2 A.C. 134, HL, the leading case on disclosure.
R v TM leading for the prosecution, murder. Victim (wife) found in course of trial to have made telephone call in her last moments: recipient traced to Tanzania and a video link was organised for her to give her evidence from an hotel in Dar-es-Salaam.
R v NS leading for the prosecution of an accountant, who was also a magistrate, for defrauding clients of about £35,000. POCA proceedings for four weeks, order made over £4m.
R v Duncan and Others prosecuted conspiracy to supply the then largest ever seizure of cocaine by Thames Valley Police (28.5 kilos). POCA order over £400,000.
R v Goldstone and Others Leading for the prosecution (HM Customs & Excise) in £4m VAT fraud. Interlocutory appeal to the C of A following accidental disclosure of sensitive material to one defendant, issue as to disclosure to others.
R v Whitcombe Leading for the prosecution in murder trial.
R v Noble Leading in murder prosecution where defendant killed former lover in multiple stabbing, then washed and dressed body and lay beside it for two days until arrested. Unsuccessful defence of diminished responsibility.
R v B Prosecution of the gay gardener of Freddie Starr for theft of jewellery and watches from him and his then wife. The defence was that he was given the items by Starr in exchange for ‘sexual favours’.
R v P and C Leading in fraud prosecution.
R v M Leading for prosecution, defendant attacked pregnant girlfriend, twenty-five week foetus stillborn.
R v Rupert Massey (above) Prosecuted practising barrister for historical buggery and indecent assaults, dating back thirty years. Defendant was a sole practitioner in Bournemouth, picked up boys on the beach. Conviction upheld in the C of A.
R v Burstow (above) Prosecution Counsel in Crown Court and Court of Appeal, junior Counsel in the House of Lords in “stalking” case; (“Britain’s most notorious stalker”) the case which was to a certain extent responsible for the passing of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and which is the leading case on inflicting grievous bodily harm without the use of violence.
R v James (above) Junior prosecution Counsel in “bodyless” murder case, reported on point relating to cautioning suspect in appeal to C of A, conviction upheld.
R v Shaukat Nawaz Khan Junior prosecution Counsel in fraud prosecution of a former Sheriff of Nottingham.