Rebecca Stokes-Herbst
Call 2006

Call 2006
Rebecca undertakes work in all aspects of Children Law and acts for Local Authorities, parents and Guardians, alongside other interested parties in both public and private law proceedings and on behalf of the Official Solicitor.
Rebecca accepts instructions in injunction and committal applications and has experience of Forced Marriage Protection Orders. She has acted in Fact Finding hearings relating to serious sexual, physical and emotional abuse in both Care and Private Law Proceedings. She has acted in applications for leave to remove from the jurisdiction.
Her immigration practice means she is well-placed to advise on family cases raising immigration issues and she can provide written advice on these issues on request, for use in care/private law proceedings.
Rebecca has appeared and been led in complex High Court care proceedings involving issues of private fostering arrangements. She has experience of acting for parties with disabilities and those with complex mental health issues.
Recent cases include:
Rebecca deals with cases involving vulnerable adults and teenagers in the Court of Protection including issues relating to capacity, welfare, deprivation of liberty, deputyship and contact.