Shada is known for her meticulous attention to detail and adeptness in crafting persuasive, astute legal submissions. She has a versatile practice spanning criminal law, civil liberties and human rights including coroner’s inquests, licensing and regulatory and disciplinary matters.


Shada’s practice encompasses all facets of criminal law, including serious violence, drug matters and sexual offending. Shada has a particular interest in financial crime and proceeds of crime.

Financial Crime

Shada’s experience in financial crime includes fraud and Revenue and Customs matters, as well as confiscation proceedings and high value account freezing and forfeiture orders.

Shada undertook a six-month secondment with HMRC where she gained invaluable insight into the intricacies of financial investigations and enforcement actions. Shada worked on the cross-border criminal investigation into a £500 million ‘cum-ex’ tax fraud. Shada subsequently represented HMRC in the successful applications for the search warrants.

Additionally, Shada has delivered training sessions to legal professionals and financial investigators on applications under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, underscoring her commitment to knowledge sharing and professional development in the legal community.

Shada has been appointed to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Counsel Panel C.

Recent criminal cases:

  • R v J (2024) – Shada secured a not guilty verdict for her client accused of controlling or coercive behaviour over a four year period. The trial lasted seven days and presented a number of complexities due to both the defendant and complainant being profoundly deaf and complainant's medical difficulties.
  • R v G (2024) – Shada’s client was tried for two counts of harassment involving the fear of violence. The case involved complex psychiatric matters. Shada’s successful conduct of the case resulted in the Prosecution offering no evidence at the close of their case following further psychiatric material.
  • R v D (2024) Successfully persuaded the court not to make an immediate destruction order in respect of prohibited XL Bully dog.
  • R v S (2024) Shada secured a suspended sentence order for her client following guilty pleas to stalking and revenge porn.
  • R v G (2024) Successfully defended a male hotel guest tried for sexual assault of a young male employee of the hotel.
  • R v D (2024) Following Shada’s cross-examination of the complainant in a domestic burglary case, the prosecution offered no evidence against Shada’s client.
  • R v U (2024) Shada secured a sentence of 8 years custody for over 26kg of cocaine, 4 years concurrent for nearly 17kg ketamine, and 1 year concurrent for possession of criminal property in excess of £100,000 cash.
  • R v M (2023) Successful prosecution of a defendant charged with indecent images. The case included evidence from an Internet Protocol Expert.
  • R v X (2023) Successfully defending a male youth on sexual assault charges in the Youth Court.
  • Candlish v The Director of Public Prosecutions [2022] EWHC 842. The High Court was required to determine whether allegations of ‘low value’ shop theft should be treated as summary stand-alone offences, notwithstanding their aggregate value up to the point of plea and allocation, thereby being subject to the six-month time limitation for bringing charges. The High Court ruled that prior to the first hearing, the offences are triable either way and therefore not subject to the six-month limitation.


Shada has a breadth of experience representing parties in inquests, she is dedicated and leaves no stone unturned. Shada has represented parties in a broad range of Inquests including systemic and medical failures in the custodial setting, medical negligence, community care, those residing in approved premises and death following road traffic collisions.

Recent cases:

  • Article 2 inquest following the death of a male in HMP Exeter, the coroner issued a Report to Prevent Future Deaths due to the prison’s failure to preserve key evidence.
  • Article 2 inquest of a male in HMP Cardiff, the jury returned a critical narrative conclusion setting out the prison healthcare’s significant missed opportunities, the inadequate communication between staff and unsuitable and inappropriate medical advice. Shada’s representation led to a swift resolution of her clients’ civil claim.
  • Non-Article 2 inquest into the death of an elderly women following an emergency cholecystectomy. Shada questioned several consultants and surgeons.
  • Non-Article 2 inquest of a male who died in an Approved Premises days following his release from prison on license.
  • Non-Article 2 inquest involving death by suicide and the police response and handling of a missing person report.

Shada advises and represents parties in matters concerning breach or rights enshrined in the Human Rights Act 1998. In 2023, Shada successfully obtained an Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction on behalf of behalf of a Council, the case concerned consideration of the individual’s right to freedom of expression.


Shada accepts instructions in licensing, regulatory and disciplinary matters, her experience includes:

  • (2024) Successfully resisted the appeal against the refusal to grant the firearms certificate. The refusal was due to allegations of historic domestic abuse by the appellant's wife which she later retracted.
  • (2023) Successfully represented a social worker in disciplinary proceedings where the panel found the client’s fitness to practise was not impaired.
  • (2022) Shada successfully obtained a closure order of Hartlepool Borough Council against a gym which claimed it was remaining open in peaceful protest against the Coronavirus Regulations.
  • (2021) Successfully appealed the refusal to grant a Hackney Carriage License on behalf of a client who had consumed substances before driving her vehicles. 


Shada is authorised to accept instructions under the Bar Direct Public Access Scheme.


  • CPS Prosecutor, Level 3
  • Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Counsel - Panel C
  • Government Legal Department Junior Counsel to the Crown - Regional C Panel
  • RASSO Panel,  Grade 3


  • The Honourable Society of Middle Temple
  • Young Legal Aid Lawyers
  • Youth Justice Legal Centre




  • LLB (Hons) European Legal Studies (Upper 2:1) Kent University, including a year studying at The University of Bergen, Norway – 2012-2016
  • BPTC (Very Competent) Northumbria University 2016-2017


For more information follow Shada on LinkedIn.

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  • "Shada was amazing. She was professional, knowledgeable, very friendly and down to earth. She was compassionate and took time to explain things and put us at our ease."

    Direct Access client following Inquest into son's death

High Court Appeal by way of case stated from Magistrates’ Court to determine whether allegations of ‘low value’ shop theft should be treated as summary stand-alone offences, notwithstanding their aggregate value up to the point of plea and allocation, thereby being subject to the six-month time limitation for bringing charges in accordance with section 127 Magistrates’ Court Act 1980. The High Court determined that individual offences of theft prior to the defendant’s first appearance are triable either way, therefore they are not subject to the six-month limitation period. Further, the High Court held that an offence of theft is only capable of becoming an offence of ‘low value’ shop theft under section 22A Magistrates’ Court Act 1980, at the first hearing.
