Court of Protection

Stephen specialises in Court of Protection and has gained considerable experience representing individuals who lack capacity, as well as family members. He has over 13 years' experience of Court of Protection cases and has developed a strong reputation for Court of Protection work in the North East.

Stephen represents people who have learning disability, autism, dementia, Korsakoff's, and other brain-related impairments, regarding their capacity and best interests in relation to matters concerning their health and welfare, on a range of issues including accommodation, care, contact, consenting to sexual relations and consenting to medical treatment.

As a former solicitor since 2011 he was regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor, advocates, RPRs and IMCAs on behalf of the person at the centre of the proceedings . He also acts for family members and other individuals who find themselves involved in proceedings within the Court of Protection.

Stephen has successfully challenged deprivations of liberty of people in care homes, prevented local authorities placing people into care homes and has been successful in overturning unlawful decisions prohibiting contact with individuals.


2009-2013 LLB (HONS) Exempting BVC, Northumbria University

Clerking team

Steven Preen

Lead Family Clerk

0191 245 9551

Family & Immigration Clerk

0191 245 9531

Family Clerk

0191 245 9530

Family & Court of Protection Clerk

0191 245 9590


01642 247 569

Direct Access Clerk

01642 247 569

Stephen was instructing solicitor in a case concerning the appropriate legal test for capacity to consent to sexual relations.
