Justin Gray is a specialist Children Law barrister at Trinity Chambers regularly representing and advising Local Authorities, parents and children in public and private law proceedings.
The free to attend seminar arranged by Resolution North East will consider issues arising in private and public law proceedings relating to the movement of children between England and Scotland, and the interaction of English law with the Scottish child justice systems and institutions. It will also provide an overview of relevant practice and procedure in the context of recent cases.
This intermediate/advanced level session will be suitable for all family practitioners but primarily those dealing with Anglo-Scottish issues, predominantly in the public law area, but also private law disputes. It is an essential presentation in relation to issues that arise with children moving to and from Scotland.
Spaces are limited: to book a place, please email lisa.russell@davidgray.co.uk with your name, name of your firm, contact telephone number and email address and Resolution membership status. Please also advise of any access requirements.