On 3rd December, current Chair of the Criminal Bar Association, Trinity’s Caroline Goodwin Q.C. was featured on BBC Radio 4 and then later on BBC's Newsnight programme.
In both programmes, Caroline highlighted growing concerns regarding cases where suspects of serious crimes such as rape and murder have been "Released Under Investigation" (RUI). She added that there were people being released without "any form of judicial control or indeed police bail control" which "can be dangerous" for victims.
BBC's Newsnight made a Freedom of Information Act request revealing there were 322,250 RUI cases between April 2017 to October 2019. Of these, 93,098 related to violence against a person and sexual offences cases. 2,772 of the cases involving violent and sexual offences had been classed as RUI for more than 12 months. The figures were provided by 20 of the 44 police forces in England and Wales suggesting that the number of RUI's since 2017 was probably significantly higher.
As well as heading Trinity's Criminal and Regulatory barrister teams, Caroline is a sitting Crown Court Recorder.