• Monday, October 14, 2019

Current Chair of the Criminal Bar Association, Trinity’s Caroline Goodwin Q.C. was featured in the Sunday Express on 13th October 2019.

Her article accompanies a report from Express Crime Editor, Jon Austin focusing on concerns recently raised by a Harrow Crown Court Judge. Judge Lana Wood criticised what she saw as a growing crisis in the judicial system, branding the cases put before her as a "car crash". The Crown Court Judge called for closer scrutiny of the legal system.

In her capacity as CBA Chair and with her extensive Crown Court advocacy experience, Caroline Goodwin Q.C. commented in her accompanying article:
"Beleagured, under attack and on its knees, we are all being let down by system failures". Pointing at recent reports of empty court rooms, she added: " A 15 per cent cut in Crown Court sitting hours this financial year is all the more painful as we are witnessing upswings in the reporting of crime. The criminal justice system cannot protect the public if it is continually under attack".

Caroline became CBA Chair in September and Heads up Chambers' Criminal and Regulatory teams, she is also a sitting Crown Court Recorder.
