• Thursday, May 21, 2015

In EN v AH Re H (A child) (Temporary Leave to Remove: Turkey) (Enforcement of Child Arrangements Order) [2015] EWFC 39, Trinity Child Care and Family barristers Katherine Wood acted for the Applicant mother and Claire Brissenden acted for the Respondent father at a hearing on 6 and 7th May at Newcastle Family Court before Mr Justice Cobb Q.C.

The case was re-hearing of the mother’s application for temporary leave to remove to Iran, leave having been granted at first instance, then overturned by the court of appeal.

The expert evidence suggested that risks would be too great for either party to contemplate, therefore the application proceeded on the basis of temporary leave to remove to Turkey, which was granted. A second application was the father’s application to enforce a contact order: the mother had withheld contact following receipt of information from social services in January 2015.

The court felt that may amount to “reasonable excuse” but was so concerned about the levels of animosity between the parties that a s.37 enquiry was ordered.The full judgment can be found here.
