• Tuesday, June 3, 2014

On Wednesday 25th June 2014 Trinity Child Care barristers Nicholas StonorJustin Gray and Johanna Darby will be delivering an intermediate level Public and Private law Children refresher and case law update to members of Resolution North East.

The Trinity barristers will look at the Children and Families Act 2014, Practice Direction 12B – the Child Arrangements Programme (CAP), as well as Re B and Re B-S. The Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD accredited training event will take place from 4.30pm for a 5.00pm start at the offices of Ward Hadaway Solicitors, Sandgate House, 102 Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne. The event costs £18 for Resolution members and £24 for non members.

Each of the speakers are members of Trinity Chambers' Family team recently recognised in the 2013 Legal 500 as "a strong, switched-on family law set" and under Family/Matrimonial Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014 "Trinity Chambers has cemented its position as one of the leading sets in the North East, and is renowned for its expertise across all aspects of family law. Its members are commended for their fantastic span of specialist family law knowledge, which ranges from complex ancillary relief to the heavy end of children's proceedings, including international abductions and sensitive public law cases."

Nicholas Stonor and Justin Gray are also members of Trinity's Mental Health and Court of Protection team. As well as practising family law Johanna Darby is a member of Trinity's Employment Law Group.

Those wishing to attend this training event should contact Katrina Pescott at Resolution, katrinapescott@benhoarebell.co.uk.
