As one of the speakers at Trinity Chambers’ recent Employment Law Conference, Employment and Discrimination barrister, Andrew Crammond delivered a talk entitled:
'Indirect Discrimination…Or Is It?' - Claims for Indirect Discrimination in the Workplace
Andrew's seminar, a video recording of which is now available to watch, focuses on indirect discrimination, especially in the context of the recent amendments made to the Equality Act 2010 and in particular the introduction of section 19A.
The session is delivered from the practical perspective of both an employee lawyer, where there may be room for greater use of indirect discrimination; and, also an employer lawyer, and why they should consider getting ahead to protect employers from what is likely to be the inevitable (and potentially substantial) expansion of indirect discrimination claims.
Andrew’s talk covers the following topics and cases:
- Section 19A Equality Act 2010
- Protected Characteristics
- Homer v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2012]
- CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Kosimia za Zashtita ot Diskriminatsia [2015]
- Steer (appellant) v Stormsure Ltd (respondent) [2021]
There is a handout that accompanies the session. If you do not have a copy and would like one, please email
This recorded seminar and its accompanying notes are made available for educational and information purposes only. The views expressed in it are those of the speaker. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. The speaker and Trinity Chambers accept no responsibility for the continuing accuracy of the contents. Contact Trinity Chambers if you have a specific legal query.