• Friday, February 21, 2020

As highlighted in November 2019, the barristers and staff at Trinity Chambers were delighted to support the work of the Zambezi Sunrise Trust. The trust is dedicated to the advancement of education and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress in Zambia.The charity aims to deliver ongoing support through the provision of buildings, books, student needs, teaching materials, uniforms, sports and musical equipment and hygiene products.

Teesside barrister and founding trustee of the charity, John Gillette has coordinated an ongoing fundraising project among the Bar for a project to build a classroom, the first that the children using it have ever had. The fundraising initiative entitled ‘Class Action’ aimed to raise £10,000 largely with contributions from barristers and chambers in London and the North Eastern and Midland Circuits, including a contribution from Trinity Chambers.

By way of follow up, John recently returned from a month in Zambia pursuing Zambezi Sunrise projects. One of the highlights of his trip was the formal opening of the new classroom funded through the ‘Class Action’ fundraiser, that was able to achieve its £10,000 target. Thanking Chambers for it's contribution and reaching this goal, John said: “Trinity’s donation played a significant part in that and I wanted to thank you again for your efforts on our behalf.” The photo shows some of the children enjoying their new classroom, including some new desks and items of uniform donated by North East schools.

More information about the Zambezi Sunrise Trust and its projects can be found here. The ‘News’ section has updates on the progress of the ‘Class Action’ fundraiser, donations to which can be made here.
