• Monday, October 14, 2013

Trinity Chancery barrister, Richard Stubbs successfully resisted three grounds of appeal in the Court of Appeal case of Gelley v Shepherd [2013] EWCA Civ 1172

The Chancery case concerned a claim in relation to a piece of land where documents were alleged to have been forged in an attempt to transfer the land away from the claims of one of the Respondents to the appeal. The appeal judgment provides guidance on when concessions can be withdrawn on appeal; when new arguments can be raised; on section 58 of the Land Registration Act 2002 and in relation to acting for a company without authority. The case also examines the law relating to the Courts in this jurisdiction setting aside a foreign judgment on the basis that it is tainted with fraud. 

Richard Stubbs is a member of Trinity Chambers’ Business,ChanceryCostsEmployment and Judicial Review practice groups. In addition Richard is an Accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator and is available to act as a mediator and represent those involved in mediations. He is a member of Trinity Chambers' team of Alternative Dispute Resolution barristers.
