Trinity barristers Timothy Spain and Jamie Anderson are guest speakers at the forthcoming Northern Local Government Legal Conference.
The all day conference to be held on Wednesday 25th June 2014 at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle, has been arranged in association with Lawyers in Local Government North East, North West, Yorkshire and Humber branches. The conference will be Chaired by the LLG North east Branch Chair, Andy Thom and introduced by LLG President, Philip Thomson from Essex County Council.
Trinity Family and Court of Protection barrister, Timothy Spain will deliver a Court of Protection focused case law and procedure review relevant to local authorities including the Cheshire West case, habitual residence, financial abuse and the Mental Capacity Act.
Trinity employment barrister, Jamie Anderson will provide an employment law update again with a local authority perspective, this will include a review of recent cases relating to disability discrimination, ill health, absence, whistle blowing and redundancy.