Following its initial assessment in 2018, Trinity Chambers has again attained the Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance.
Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed (GCHQ), industry-supported scheme aimed at helping businesses to protect themselves and their clients against common cyber threats.
Successful renewal of the accreditation highlights Trinity's commitment to cyber security in the face of ever evolving and more sophisticated cyber attacks for the benefit of its members as well as its clients.
Certification provides peace of mind that Chambers' online defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber threats. Given the clients Chambers deals with, including Local Authorities, Police Authorities, Crown Prosecution Service as well as corporate businesses, individuals, insurers and trades unions, online security remains vital and indeed is increasingly becoming an established prerequisite to working with such clients.
Following the ongoing impact COVID-19 and the move to remote working and an increased reliance on technology, Chambers recognises that ensuring cyber security rigour remains paramount.
For further details please contact Chambers Director, Tim Harris MBE.