Trinity Barristers Chambers in conjunction with Gateshead Council are delivering a Domestic Abuse conference on Saturday 23rd November 2013 at Northumbria University Law School from 9am. The free event will attract 4 hours SRA CPD accreditation.
This conference will be of interest to a wide ranging audience including, but not limited to criminal and family solicitors, local authority children services, community safety boards, social workers, GP's, health care professionals, Cafcass, Guardians, court staff, CPS, Police, women's refuges and charities.
To link with both International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and White Ribbon Day, Gateshead Council and Trinity Chambers have worked together to deliver the Domestic Abuse Conference. The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness and understanding of Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) and to understand the connection between MARACs and legal aid for high risk victims of domestic abuse.
MARACs are regular local meetings where information about high risk domestic abuse victims (those at risk of murder or serious harm) is shared between local agencies. By bringing all agencies together as a MARAC and ensuring that whenever possible the voice of the victim is represented by the Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA), a risk focused, co-ordinated safety plan can be drawn up to support the victim. There are currently over 260 MARAC's operating across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, managing over 57,000 cases a year.
Speakers will include Trinity Chambers' criminal and child care barristers Caroline Goodwin and Brian Mather, Julie Crichton of Gateshead Council, Cris McCurley of Ben Hoare Bell Solicitors and from Northumbria Police Detective Inspector Denise Clark.
The highly practical session will cover:-
- National and local overview of MARAC's
- How MARAC's operate
- Police input
- The implications of social media
- Legal aid funding
- Evidence
- County and Family Proceedings Court procedure
- Sentencing powers
Arrival is at 9am for registration and the conference is expected to finish at 1.30pm.
There is no charge for this conference. This event is SRA CPD accredited with 4 hours. Click here to book.