Employment barrister, Andrew Crammond will be a guest speaker at a collaborative event hosted by Trinity and delivered by a diverse range of speakers including the Civil Mediation Council (CMC), ACAS and Hay & Kilner solicitors entitled ‘Save Time, Save Money, Save Stress: Resolving Conflict at Work'. The session is part of the CMC's national Workplace Mediation event series and will be held at Trinity Chambers in Newcastle on Tuesday 16th October 2018.
The session is aimed at HR professionals, employment lawyers, solicitors, mediators and others interested in resolving workplace disputes. Andrew will join members of Hay & Kilner solicitors' employment team, Professor Paul Latreille from Sheffield University, Tanya Mountain from PD Ports, David Whincup from Squire Patton Boggs solicitors and Malcolm Phillips from ACAS. The topics will include:
- Workplace Conflict - interactive session with audience polling
- Role play: How situations arise
- The ACAS mediation model
- Judicial mediation
- Using mediation - An employer’s perspective
- Unsuccessful mediation and how to turn refusal or failure to your advantage
As well as being a member of Chambers' employment team, Andrew is also in Trinity's Regulatory, Business and Property teams. Andrew is a member of the Regional Panel of Counsel for the Government Legal Department (formerly Treasury Solicitor).
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