• Thursday, January 10, 2019

One of the North East’s most well-known and respected Employment Judges, Michael Malone has joined Trinity Barristers as a Mediator.

Michael, who is a non-practising solicitor, chaired cases at the Newcastle Employment Tribunal for over 12 years. As a judge, Michael dealt with landmark equal pay cases, including Hartley, the challenge to the job evaluation study underpinning ‘Agenda for Change’, the national pay system adopted by the NHS. Michael also dealt with other high-profile cases including NUM v UK Coal Mining Ltd, examining the lack of consultation during the redundancies following the closure of Ellington Colliery. After being one of the first employment judges to be trained in judicial mediations, Michael regularly carried these out until his retirement.

In certain cases, disputes need not always be resolved through the Courts. Recognising the significant cost and time saving benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), progressive Trinity Chambers continues to build a specialist team that can mediate family, business, property and employment cases. A Mediator can help both sides to narrow down the issues and facilitate an early, amicable and affordable resolution. 

At Trinity, using his extensive judicial and mediation experience, Michael will act as a Mediator in employment law  disputes between employers and employees, offering a pragmatic alternative to the often time consuming, expensive and sometimes acrimonious Employment Tribunal route. Mediations can take place in Chambers, as well as at clients' offices or other hired venues across the UK.

As a retired employment judge, Michael is also able to offer Early Neutral Evaluation of employment disputes - covering either the case as a whole or specific legal issues. This service can be particularly useful in facilitating early settlement of cases involving complex points of law, such as many equal pay, discrimination and ‘whistle-blowing’ cases.

For any queries regarding employment law related mediation or Early Neutral Evaluation of employment disputes including availability, fees and booking, please contact Steven Preen or Steve Walker in the civil clerking team.
