• Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Simon Goldberg, Recorder, barrister, and Head of Trinity Chambers’ Business and Property Group, features in the September 2018 edition of Northern Insight Magazine.

In the article entitled "The North East is Open for Business...and Property", Simon looks at what the recent launch of the Newcastle Business and Property Court means for the region.

Last year saw a major structural overhaul of the civil and commercial courts in England and Wales with the launch of regional Business and Property Courts (BPC) in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Cardiff. The BPC brings together all of the specialist business and commercial Courts under one umbrella. The recent appointment of His Honour Judge Philip Kramer as a full-time Specialist Civil Circuit Judge means that Newcastle now becomes a regional BPC centre.

Simon is a committee member of the newly formed Newcastle Business & Property Forum comprising of local judiciary, solicitors, barristers and business figures keen to promote the value of the BPC to the region's legal sector and the businesses it supports. Echoing the words of Vice Chancellor Mr Justice Barling at the BPC launch event held at Northumbria University, the Forum's view is that "no case is too big for Newcastle to hear".

In the article Simon comments: “Having our own Business and Property Court through Judge Kramer’s appointment will benefit many small local businesses, who often are not able to stump up the fees needed to pay for expensive legal battles outside the area. The changes will also benefit the region’s thriving legal and related professional services ecosystem. This is another tick in the box for national and indeed international businesses, looking to move to or expand into the North East.”
