• Friday, September 28, 2012

Trinity Chambers will be hosting a second seminar delivered by the Home Office on 3rd October 2012 entitled “ Alcohol: New Solutions to Old Problems” . The event is aimed at Licensing professionals responsible for regulating licensing with the audience including Licensing Officers and Solicitors from Local Authorities and Police Authorities. The event follows a similar session delivered by the Home Office to the Licensing Trade on 19th September, again at Trinity Chambers. 

In March 2012 the Government published its Alcohol Strategy aimed at reducing “binge drinking”. The Home Office is running a campaign aiming to ensure that the operators of licensed premises and the regulators are made aware of the forthcoming legislative changes. Earlier this year, the Home Office, together with the Institute of Licensing, delivered a series of training events for regulators, the public and those who operate licensed premises. Following those events the Home Office have arranged to deliver further sessions to those in the industry as well as the regulators seeking assistance in understanding the requirements under the Licensing Act and the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act. 

The very practical seminar, to be held at Trinity’s Chambers on Newcastle’s Quayside, is aimed at ensuring that licensing professionals are made aware of the changes and how they are likely to impact on their day to day work. The key objectives are to enable licensing professionals to improve practice in licence inspections and setting conditions; identify and tackle local issues and look at how Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act measures are being put into practice. 

Several barristers from Trinity’s Licensing Practice Group will also be attending. Trinity's Licensing barristers, whilst operating from Chambers in Newcastle and Middlesbrough, receive instructions from solicitors acting on behalf of the trade and regulators across the UK. The team deal with all aspects of licensing including alcohol, premises, taxis, firearms as well as judicial review proceedings linked to licensing.
