Trinity specialist housing barrister, Alice Richardson will be a guest speaker at the next North East Landlords (NEL) meeting taking place on the evening of Thursday 25th April 2019.
Supported and coordinated by a range of professional services firms, including Sweeney Miller Solicitors, North East Landlords (NEL) has been set up as a network for landlords and aspiring landlords in the North East.
As well as exploring the role and objectives of NEL, the event will include networking opportunities, exhibition stalls from industry suppliers, experts will also be on hand to provide advice on property and rental legal issues, tax and accounts, landlord and property insurance and mortgages.
Alice will be delivering a talk entitled "Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation: An overview & update". Her practical session will cover:
- The various tests to determine whether a property is a HMO
- Regulatory framework
- When does a HMO need a licence.
- Applications for a HMO licence
- Offences, enforcement and defences
The NEL meeting will take place at Northern Football Club, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Doors open at 5.30 pm for refreshments, with the presentations starting at 6.30 pm.
For further details and to book please click here.