The next Leeds Business and Property Courts Forum takes place on the evening of Tuesday 18th October 2022.
The Vice-Chancellor, Mr Justice Fancourt, and Richard Cressall, Partner at Gordons LLP will speak and take questions about Commercial Landlord and Tenant matters following the Covid-19 pandemic.
The free-to-attend hybrid event starts at 6pm, concluding by 7pm. Those attending in person are welcome to join members of the Forum at Leeds Beckett University's Rose Bowl, Portland Crescent, Leeds, LS1 3HB for tea and coffee from 5:30pm before the discussion begins, and afterwards for sparkling wine, soft drinks and light food.
The Leeds Business & Property Court Forum was initiated by Trinity members, working in conjunction with others in the Leeds legal community. The Forum and this event is generously supported by Leeds Law School, Leeds Beckett University.
To register for tickets please click here.