• Friday, February 26, 2021

The next Leeds Business and Property Courts Forum will take place online on the evening of Tuesday 16th March 2021.

The title of the session is "Winding-up and insolvency: the post-Brexit, post-Covid world".

At the free to attend event, newly appointed Specialist Business and Property Courts Judge, Her Honour Judge Claire Jackson, will lead discussion about winding-up and insolvency covering the Basics, Brexit and Covid.

Panel members joining the discussion include:

  • Senior-junior insolvency barrister, Eleanor Temple
  • Insolvency and corporate recovery solicitor, Brian Rostron of Walker Morris
  • Junior insolvency barrister, Kirsty Malloch

The online meeting is scheduled to start at 5.30pm, concluding by 7pm.

Working with others in the Leeds legal community, the Leeds Business & Property Courts Forum was initiated by Trinity members following the opening of our Leeds premises in 2020. The Forum is generously supported by Leeds Law Society and Leeds Law School.

For further details and to book please visit here.
