• Tuesday, October 27, 2020

On the evening of Wednesday 11 November 2020, members of Trinity's Housing Law team will deliver an online livestreamed Landlord and Tenant update.

This will be the first talk in Chambers' 2020/21 Leeds and Newcastle Business, Property and Employment Seminar Programme, further details of which can be found here.

The free to attend session will commence at 5pm, concluding by 6.30pm and provides 1.5 hours CPD. The speakers and topics are as follows:

Tom Tyson
'Coming in… ready or not!'
Forfeiture and Rights of Entry by Landlords

Vilma Vodanovic
'I want to break free…'
A look at what can go wrong in exercising the break clause in a Lease

Alice Richardson
'Possession Proceedings… or Not'
Alice will review the updated guidance and regulations for possession proceedings in light on the ongoing pandemic and discuss where things stand and are heading in possession proceedings.

To book a place and for joining details please e-mail paul@trinitychambers.co.uk.

There will be a Q&A session following the presentations and on behalf of the panel of speakers advance questions can be submitted to member of the clerking team, Paul McNab using the above email address, preferably by midday on Monday 9th November 2020.

Trinity's Housing team has recently been recognised in Chambers & Partners 2021:
"Fielding a housing team covering a range of contentious matters, Trinity Chambers acts on behalf of both landlords and tenants. The cases taken on by the set include homelessness, possession and disrepair proceedings, as well as complex anti-social behaviour matters. Members of the set are well equipped to advise on matters involving the Equality Act 2010 and human rights law".

COVID – 19
In response to the impact of the coronavirus crisis, the barristers in Chambers' Housing Law team and staff are committed to providing as much assistance as possible, including urgent advice, online resources and other support. Members of the team can assist with enquiries relating to urgent housing disrepair issues, residential possession proceedings during the coronavirus pandemic, interpretation of the Coronavirus Act and associated Guidance for Landlords (including Housing Associations), Tenants and Local Authorities. The team can also help with updates regarding on and offline court procedures, including facilities to deal with remote hearings. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the clerking team civilclerks@trinitychambers.co.uk.
