The latest meeting of the Newcastle Business and Property Court Forum took place at Northumbria University Law School, City Campus East, on the evening of Monday 13 February 2023.
Hosted by Specialist Business & Property Court Circuit Judge, His Honour Judge Kramer, the event was entitled 'An evening with Vice-Chancellors past and present' and welcomed current and former Vice-Chancellors: Mr Justice Fancourt, Lord Justice Snowden, Sir Gerald Barling and Sir Alastair Norris. Also in attendance were the Chancellor of the High Court, Sir Julian Flaux, the Recorder of Newcastle, His Honour Judge Sloan K.C. and the Lord Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear, Lucy Winskell OBE.
The Judges met law students and young professionals at the University prior to the Forum. As well as being the 20th Newcastle BPC Courts Forum, the event coincided with, and celebrated the 5 year anniversary of the Business and Property Court opening in Newcastle.
The Forum was featured in the latest edition of Northern Insight Magazine. Commenting on the event, Judge Kramer said:
“ I was encouraged by the large turnout and the chance to convey to a wider audience the work of the BPC. It is a constant source of frustration to me that the public are by and large unaware that we have a court in Newcastle dealing with High Court BPC claims on a daily basis and of the type of work undertaken.
Many members of the public do not realise that they can sit in on hearings to see for themselves how cases are dealt with and the myriad nature of the disputes with which we deal. Courts are generally open to the public and they are welcome to visit the Moot Hall and watch cases from the ample public gallery in what must be one of the most attractive and functional courts in the country.”
Trinity Chambers’ Simon Goldberg K.C., a member of the Forum who was appointed the region’s first business and property K.C. in 2022, added:
“The launch of the BPC in Newcastle in 2017 was an important moment in this region’s legal history. The Court under Judge Kramer’s leadership has exceeded all expectations. Work which was previously lost to London is now being litigated locally, which can only be of benefit to Court users, the local legal community and the local economy.”
In the photo seated, left to right: Sir Alastair Norris, Sir Julian Flaux, His Honour Judge Kramer, Mr Justice Fancourt and Lord Justice Snowden.