On the evening of Wednesday 2 February 2022 the latest meeting of the Newcastle Business and Property Courts Forum will take place as a hybrid event.
Following an introduction by Specialist Business & Property Court Circuit Judge, His Honour Judge Kramer, Judge-in-Charge of the Commercial Court and noted historian, Mrs Justice Cockerill, will address the Forum on: 'The Changing Face of Commercial Litigation in Newcastle and Tyneside: from Prince Line to Smart Contracts.'
This free-to-attend event will take place at Northumbria University Law School, City Campus East, NE1 8ST and also remotely by Zoom. Refreshments will be available from 5.00pm, with the event commencing at 5.30pm and concluding by 7pm. For those attending in person, the evening will be a long awaited and welcome opportunity to network and meet colleagues from across the breadth of the region's legal and business sectors.
The Newcastle Business & Property Courts Forum was initiated by Trinity barristers in collaboration with members of the North East's legal community. Trinity Chambers is therefore delighted to sponsor the refreshments for the evening.
The meeting will be preceded by an opportunity for law students and young lawyers to meet the Mrs Justice Cockerill, members of the local judiciary and members of Trinity Chambers.
For further details and to book either an in person or remote ticket, please visit here.