• Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Trinity planning barrister, Nicola Allan, was instructed by East Riding of Yorkshire Council in a recently concluded planning Inquiry relating to a retirement village with approximately 140 residents, at Lakeminster Park near Beverley, East Yorkshire.

The Inquiry, held at County Hall, Beverley, followed the refusal of a retrospective planning application and enforcement action by the Council seeking removal of 76 units from the site. Twelve of the local residents also argued that the enforcement action would result in the loss of their homes and lifestyle and would be in breach of their Human Rights. The outcome of the two week Inquiry is expected in August 2013. 

Nicola, who is also a Chartered Town Planner, heads Trinity Chambers' Planning group and is a member of Trinity’s Agriculture,BusinessChanceryJudicial Review and Regulatory practice groups.
