• Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Trinity Pupil Barristers, Patience Abladey and Abigail Cheetham enter the Second Six phase of their pupillage this week.

Patience started her pupillage in Public Family law under the supervision of Fiona Walker; followed by Business and Property law under the supervision of Richard Stubbs. Now 'on her feet', Patience accepts instructions in a wide range of Family, Civil, Personal Injury (including Small Claims, Infant Approvals and Stage Three hearings), Employment and Housing matters.

Abigail is currently under the supervision of Tom Tyson, having previously being supervised by James McHugh. Abigail has gained experience across a wide range of Chambers’ Civil practice areas. During her second six, Abigail accepts instructions in a variety of cases including Housing, Personal Injury (Small Claims, Infant Approvals and Stage Three Hearings), Employment, Business and Property matters.

For further details regarding Trinity's pupillage opportunities and application process, visit Chambers' Recruitment pages.
