• Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Following selection as one of the top four advocates after two days of advocacy training on the North-Eastern Circuit Pupil Advocacy Course, Trinity Chambers' Pupil Laura Nagel will be taking part in the Louise Godfrey QC Memorial Moot.

The final will take place at 6.00pm on 12 September 2013 at Three Albion Place in Leeds. The Moot, which attracts 1.5 Hours CPD, will be followed by a Charity Mess; Louise Godfrey QC was one of the founders of HALT: Domestic Violence Help Advice Law Team.

Places for the Moot can be booked through the North Eastern Circuit Office info@northeasterncircuit.co.uk .

Upon completion of her Pupillage and qualification as a barrister in October 2013 Laura will join Trinity Chambers'Family & Matrimonial FinanceMental Health & Court of ProtectionPersonal InjuryChancery and Business practice groups.
