Channel 5 recently aired a documentary examining the case of serial child killer, Robert Black which, with the number of victims and areas covered, was one of the UK’s largest police investigations involving multiple forces.
Head of Trinity Chambers and Criminal silk, Toby Hedworth K.C. was part of the original prosecution team that led to the conviction of Robert Black in 1994 at Newcastle Crown Court for the murders of Susan Maxwell, Caroline Hogg and Sarah Harper.
In 2011, Toby Hedworth K.C. was instructed by Northern Ireland's Public Prosecution Service to lead the prosecution team in the trial of Black following the kidnapping and murder of nine year old Jennifer Cardy in County Antrim in 1981. At the trial at Armagh Crown Court the Jury found Black guilty and he was sentenced by Mr Justice Weatherup to life imprisonment. In 2013, Black's defence team unsuccessfully attempted to appeal the conviction.
The two part documentary, which first aired in August 2023, can be found by subscribers on My5 and Sky.