• Friday, January 10, 2025
Tactics in Managing Kitchen Sink Claims & Non-Compliant Litigants - Gordon Menzies

As a speaker at Trinity Chambers’ recent Employment Law Conference, specialist Employment and Regulatory barrister, Gordon Menzies delivered a talk entitled:

‘Oh, And They’re Texturist Too’ - Tactics in Managing Kitchen Sink Claims and Non-Compliant Litigants

One of the most disheartening things for an Employment lawyer to have to deal with is a Claimant who seeks to opportunistically and without scruple exploit the long-established protections against unfair treatment in the workplace by engaging in abusive and unreasonable litigation in the expectation that a Respondent will take a commercial approach and engage in settlement discussions.

Ultimately, the only real way of curtailing such tactics is to try and get to the final hearing as soon as possible with the minimum of aggravation. However, unreasonable behaviour should be viewed as a potential tactical opportunity to use the litigant’s own behaviour against them.

Gordon’s highly practical talk considers some of the tactical issues to consider when having to deal with such Claimants in Employment Law cases, including:

  • Particularisation & Amendment of Pleadings
  • Harassing Correspondence
  • Striking Out
  • Deposit Orders
  • Lists of Issues
  • Bundles
  • Chronology
  • Reading Lists
  • Costs - Warning Letters & Applications
  • Vexatious & Unreasonable Behaviour

There is a handout that accompanies the session. If you do not have a copy and would like one, please email josh@trinitychambers.co.uk.

This recorded seminar and its accompanying notes are made available for educational and information purposes only. The views expressed in it are those of the speaker. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. The speaker and Trinity Chambers accept no responsibility for the continuing accuracy of the contents. Contact Trinity Chambers if you have a specific legal query.
