Trinity Housing barrister, Alice Richardson recently delivered a talk about careers at the Bar to students at Castle View Academy in Sunderland.
In the session, Alice explained what barristers do, how to become a barrister, the different areas of law they cover, as well as the challenges and rewards a life at the Bar brings. Students tried on Alice’s wig and gown whilst she talked through a typical day in Chambers, social mobility, diversity at the Bar and well being. Alice also explored the topic of recruitment and retention of women at the Bar.
The event was arranged as part of STEM Learning, by the Northeast STEM Learning hub based in Sunderland at RTC North. Following the session, Alice has volunteered to become a STEM Ambassador. She joins other volunteers from a wide range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics(STEM) related jobs and disciplines across the UK. STEM Ambassadors offer their time and industry experience to help bring STEM subjects to life and demonstrate their value to those planning or starting out in their careers.
Visit here to find out more about becoming a STEM Ambassador volunteer.