• Thursday, December 3, 2020

Trinity Housing Law barrister, Peter Marcus has been featured in the most recent edition of Inside Housing Magazine, a leading weekly publication for housing professionals in the UK.

The article, that can be found here, follows Peter being a guest speaker at the online 2020 Homes UK Conference held in December. At the leading national housing Conference, Peter explored defending housing disrepair claims as part of the Sustainable Futures Stream entitled: "Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act: how are landlords stepping up?"

The article highlights what was discussed at the Conference and in particular how the legislation, now fully in force for all tenancies, is impacting landlords. Peter comments that the new "Fitness" legislation is well-intentioned, but is being exploited by "predatory solicitors" at the expense of the best interests of sometimes vulnerable tenants who, after a defeated claim, "are often told to stump up thousands for the landlord’s legal fees". Peter further argued that Legal Aid was needed to ensure that tenants received appropriate advice and representation.

Also included in the article were fellow Conference speakers, Lord Richard Best OBE DL, Chair of the Affordable Housing Commission who took the Act through the Lords, and Angela Stuttard, Head of property care at Together Housing Group.

Peter is a specialist in all forms of housing law, but in particular in defending disrepair claims for housing associations and local authorities against the escalating number of claims. Peter's housing law practice is regularly recognised in the leading legal directories, recently entries include:

"Highly experienced in both defending and bringing possession claims." Legal 500 2021
"Covers a wide range of housing cases across the Northern Circuit and further afield. He attracts a wealth of praise for his tenacious approach and skilful handling of clients and witnesses. He is regularly instructed in complex possession claims and anti-social behaviour matters"."He is totally committed to his clients." Social Housing Chambers & Partners 2021.

COVID – 19
In response to the impact of the Coronavirus crisis, the barristers in Chambers' Housing Law team and staff are committed to providing as much assistance as possible, including urgent advice, online resources and other support. Members of the team can assist with enquiries relating to urgent housing disrepair issues, residential possession proceedings during the coronavirus pandemic, interpretation of the Coronavirus Act and associated Guidance for Landlords (including Housing Associations), Tenants and Local Authorities. The team can also help with updates regarding on and offline court procedures, including facilities to deal with remote hearings. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the clerking team civilclerks@trinitychambers.co.uk.
