• Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trinity Barrister James Kemp was instructed to represent a Local Authority in one of the first ‘in-person’ attended Coroner's Inquests to be held following the Coronavirus lockdown.

Held without a jury at Durham and Darlington Coroner’s Court in the Civic Centre, North Terrace, Crook, with full social distancing and other safety measures in place, the Inquest concerned the discharge from hospital of an elderly woman to care homes. The Inquest also examined the care that the elderly woman had received.

There were aspects involving Powers of Attorney held by the family as well as safeguarding investigations; the Coroner concluding that ultimately the death was by natural causes in which frailty was exacerbated by frequent falls.

James is frequently instructed to represent parties where care homes are involved where he deploys his experience in Regulatory, Personal Injury, Court of Protection and Chancery.
