Specialist Housing Law barrister, Alice Richardson, will be a guest speaker at the 2018 Northern Housing Conference - Housing Law Update, Homelessness and the role of the Law.
The all day North West Housing Law Practitioners Group Conference takes place on Wednesday 19th September 2018 at The Harwood Room, Barnes Wallace Building, The University of Manchester, Sackville Street Campus, Manchester. The annual conference will deliver a day of authoritative updates and commentary from a range of leading practitioners, Judges, solicitors and barristers, experienced in Housing Law. Alice's session will focus on the law surrounding Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO). Additional speakers and their topics include:
- HHJ Nigel Bird, Designated Civil Judge, Senior Circuit Judge at Manchester Civil and Family Justice Centre - Housing Law – a view from the Bench
- John Gallagher, Principal Solicitor, Shelter - Housing Law update including the early days of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 in practice
- James Stark, Housing Law Barrister – Absolute Possession Orders and how to avoid them
- Giles Peaker, Housing and Public Law Solicitor – The Homes (Fitness for Habitation ) Bill
A member of Trinity's Judicial Review, Regulatory, Licensing, Business and Property Teams, Alice has a particular interest in cases involving discrimination, human rights and public law/judicial review. Alice also undertakes regulatory work in the housing, property and local government sectors. She has particular experience advising on licensing schemes under the Housing Act 2004. In March 2018 Alice was appointed to the Attorney General’s Regional Panel of Counsel and is regularly instructed by the Government Legal Department.
The cost of attending the conference is £100 for solicitors and barristers, £50 not for profit sector (inclusive of refreshments and lunch).For booking information, please email events@trinitychambers.co.uk