• Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Barristers from Trinity Chambers' Criminal Team will be delivering two mirror criminal law seminars in May. The first on the evening of Thursday 8th May will be held at Teesside University, Clarendon Building, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA and the second will take place on the morning of 10th May at Northumbria University, Newcastle Business School and School of Law, City Campus East, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST.

Criminal barristers Caroline GoodwinJoan Smith and David Comb will be delivering talks. In Teesside, the Trinity barristers will be joined by Ross Donnelly from Keith Borer Consultants who will be examining Interpretation of Facebook Evidence. Ross specialises in the forensic examination of computer equipment, with particular experience in cases involving social networking and indecent images of children, including classifying and establishing the provenance of such images.The Teesside programme is as follows:-

Caroline Goodwin - General Criminal Law Update

Joan Smith - Sexual Offences Prevention Orders(SOPO’s)

David Comb - Challenges of Social Media in Criminal Proceedings

Ross Donnelly - Interpretation of Facebook Evidence

The Teesside event will attract 2 hours Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD. To book a place please click here, kindly download the booking form, complete and return with payment.

Francis FitzGibbon Q.C. will be speaking at the Newcastle seminar together with the Trinity barristers who will also be joined by Dr Chris Ince who will look at Fitness to Plead. Dr Ince is a Lead Consultant for Adult Forensic Learning Disability Services for Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Mental Health Trust. He is also a Director at Psychiatric Services, North East Ltd, offering a range of services to criminal, civil and family courts as both a single and jointly instructed expert witness. In addition Lee Fahan, from Keith Borer Consultants will also be a guest speaker. Lee is Head of DNA Services and has been employed as a forensic biologist since 1997.The Newcastle programme is as follows:-

Francis FitzGibbon Q.C. - Contempt of Court Reforms

Caroline Goodwin - General Criminal Law Update

Joan Smith - Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO’s)

David Comb -  Challenges of Social Media in Criminal Proceedings

Dr Chris Ince -  Fitness to Plead

Lee Fahan - Forensic Science- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Newcastle event will attract 4 hours Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD. To book a place please click here, kindly download the booking form, complete and return with payment.
