• Monday, November 28, 2011

Congratulations to Kirstey Maloney of TBI Law Solicitors for returning the first questionnaire back in Chambers with the correct answers to questions about Trinity in our recent client survey.

Client service from both the Barristers and support staff is core to Trinity Chambers' approach and therefore regularly obtaining frank client feedback is essential.  Client surveys are an important exercise to find out from our clients, both of long standing and more recent, of their views of our service standards. The findings are addressed by the Trinity Chambers Management Committee and any remedial action taken as appropriate.

The surveys cover both Trinity's Chambers in Newcastle and Middlesbrough and responses are invited from practitioners across Trinity's practice groups of judicial reviewagriculture , Chanceryemploymentfamily and ancillary reliefCourt of Protection, personal injurybusiness lawcrimeimmigrationregulatory and planning.

Trinity's Barristers receive instructions from solicitors and legal departments across the UK and act for Local Authorities, the Crown Prosecution Service, Police Authorities as well as Blue Chip Companies.
