Trinity Chambers has been featured in the October edition of Leeds Law Society's official journal, The Leeds & Yorkshire Lawyer.
The article, that can be downloaded here, highlights how the move to Leeds was triggered by a consistent increase in instructions from Yorkshire based clients. Now with over 100 practitioners working with clients across the North Eastern and Northern Circuits, Trinity's expansion into Leeds, increasingly regarded as one of the largest legal hubs outside London, was a logical step.
Trinity's heavyweight Housing Law team are given a mention as the majority of the specialist housing barristers Tom Tyson, Peter Marcus, Vilma Vodanovic and Helen Greatorex, are based in Leeds, with clerking managed by the highly experienced Paul McNab.
Trinity’s Leeds move dovetails with the wider expansion of the regional Business and Property Courts. Head of Trinity’s Business and Property Team, Simon Goldberg is quoted in the article: "Members have been seeing increasing levels of instruction from clients in Yorkshire over the last couple of years, so a move to a permanent base in Leeds seemed like an obvious step. We are looking forward to working together with local practitioners, the judiciary and the local business community to cement the role of the Business and Property Court in Leeds as a centre of excellence for dispute resolution."
The article affirms Trinity's commitment to the move, including supporting the Leeds Business and Property Courts Forum events, as well as Trinity's first Annual Leeds Business, Property and Employment seminar programme running between November 2020 and September 2021. The programme includes a range of seminars, delivered either in person or online, depending on the pervading restrictions, with updates on areas such as Landlord & Tenant, Contentious Probate, Company & Insolvency, Employment and Real Property, as well as a practical "toolkit" session for more junior litigators.
The article concludes with Head of Trinity Chambers, Toby Hedworth Q.C. commenting on the challenges and rewards of making the move during the pandemic: "The provision of the highest quality independent advice and advocacy is now more important than ever. With a secure financial base and careful strategic planning, Trinity has been able to push ahead with answering the demands of our professional and lay clients to have a greater presence in Leeds."
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