Trinity Chambers supports a properly funded Criminal Legal Aid system.
As a leading set on the North Eastern Circuit, we ask the Government to honour not only the word of the recent Legal Aid Review conducted by Sir Christopher Bellamy, but also the spirit.
Without such a commitment the justice system which underpins the very fabric of our society is in mortal danger.
In relation to the current action, for anyone with concerns regarding particular cases, please do not hesitate to contact a member of Trinity's Criminal Clerking team:
Liam Gorman - Lead Criminal Clerk
0191 245 9521
Alyson Hailes - Criminal Clerk
0191 245 9542
Chris Gibbin - Criminal Clerk (Middlesbrough)
01642 247 569
Paul McNab - Criminal Silks' Clerk (Leeds)
0113 323 5955
Chloe Lau - Criminal Clerking Assistant
0191 245 9550