• Monday, October 21, 2013

Barristers from Trinity Chambers' Chancery Group will be delivering mirror seminars in Newcastle and Middlesbrough entitled "Neighbours at War". The seminars will examine the practical issues involved in dealing with neighbour dispute litigation. 

Chancery and Property barristers Michelle Temple, who also sits as a Deputy District Judge and is Head of the Chancery Group, James Kemp and Henry Stevens will each deliver a talk. The topics covered will include Restrictive Covenants, Boundaries and Easements, Land Adjudications - Practice and Procedure. 

In addition to the Trinity Chancery barristers, Chartered Building Surveyor, Building Pathologist and Dispute Resolver, Peter Fall will also be delivering a session on Party Walls. 

The event will attract 3.5 hours CPD. 

The first of the mirror Chancery events will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at the TAD Centre, Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough, TS3 7SF, the second will take place on Thursday 21st November 2013 at the Jurys Inn Hotel, Newcastle Gateshead, South Shore Road, Gateshead, NE8 3AE. At both events registration commences at 2pm with the seminars starting at 2.30pm and concluding at 6pm. 

Please see our Training section for further details and booking information.
