• Monday, May 21, 2012

Barristers from Trinity Chambers' Employment team will be delivering two mirror training events in Middlesbrough and Newcastle on Tuesday 26th June and Thursday 28th June.

This comprehensive seminar is aimed at Employment law practitioners and will provide a practical and useful update in the areas of Employment law, implications of technology and social media in the workplace and associated computer forensic issues. 

The seminar will be delivered by barristers from Trinity Chambers' Employment Law Practice Group together with a contribution from an outside expert, John Corcoran, from Keith Borer Consultants. 

The seminar programme is as follows:- 

Jane Callan – Employment Barrister,Trinity Chambers, Employment Law Update. 
Jamie Anderson – Employment Barrister,Trinity Chambers, Implications of Technology and Social Media in the Workplace. 
John Corcoran – Keith Borer Consultants, Computer Forensics in the Context of Employment Cases. 

The event will attract 2 hours CPD. The Teesside event will take place at Trinity's Chambers in Middlesbrough, Multi Media Exchange, 72-80 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2RF and the Newcastle event will take place at Northumbria University Room 003, Newcastle Business School and School of Law, City Campus East, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8ST. For booking details please click here.
