On the evening of 23rd March 2016, Trinity Family and Matrimonial Finance barrister, Brian Mather Chaired a seminar delivered by Aina Khan of Duncan Lewis Solicitors focusing on Unregistered Religious Marriages.
Senior Consultant Solicitor, Aina Khan is Head of the Islamic Department at Duncan Lewis and is a leading expert in Islamic family law. Aina’s 25 years’ legal experience, coupled with daily enquiries regarding unregistered religious marriages led her to found and become the Director of the Register Our Marriage (ROM) campaign.
The ROM campaign aims to raise the profile of the issues related to unregistered religious marriages. Aina Khan runs ROM with Working Groups of Lawyers, Academics, and Community Activists. Aina is building on her work as a founding member of the ‘Muslim Marriage Working Group' through a process of education in the community via social media as well as local engagement including national road shows, talks to school and college students and community groups. ROM is supported by leading women's groups, Imans, Mosques and Sharia Councils. The seminar at Trinity Chambers was part of Aina's national ROM road show.
The event, held at Trinity Chambers, also included contributions from Cris McCurley, Partner at Ben Hoare Bell Solicitors, Marian Cleghorn, Trinity Barrister and Shahda Khan MBE from the North East Women's Network.