Michael Malone, retired Employment Judge and CEDR accredited mediator at Trinity Chambers will be a guest speaker at the next Newcastle meeting of the Industrial Law Society taking place at Northumbria University on the evening of Tuesday 22nd October 2019.
Michael’s talk is entitled “Religion/belief and sexual orientation discrimination - conflicts, boundaries and limitations”. Against a background of workplace conflicts arising from religious beliefs about single sex relationships, Michael’s session will explore the relevant provisions of the Equality Act and Article 9 of European Convention on Human Rights, the principles which can be extracted from the case law and whether there is an expectation for employers to compromise their fundamental beliefs and values. In this context, Michael will also look at some interesting cases from the United States.
Founded in 1964, The Industrial Law Society is a registered charity that encourages both sides of the employment industry and all those involved in employment law, to meet regularly and informally to exchange views. The Society aims to promote the understanding of labour law and industrial relations and to generally stimulate debate in these fields. The Society’s membership includes solicitors, lawyers, academics, HR and personnel practitioners, trade union officials and members, judges, journalists and civil servants. Corporate members include companies, trade unions and educational establishments.
Commencing at 6pm and finishing at around 7.30pm, the meeting will be held at the Harvard Lecture Theatre, The University of Northumbria, School of Law, City Campus East-1. The session will attract 1.5 hours Solicitors Regulation Authority and Bar Standards Board CPD.
For further details and to book please click here, or if you have any other queries regarding the event please contact jean@industriallawsociety.org.uk