• Thursday, June 27, 2019

Specialist Housing barrister, Alice Richardson will be a guest speaker at the inaugural North East Tenancy Fraud Forum event bringing together a wide network of those working in the region's local authority and housing association sectors to explore the challenges of tenancy fraud.

The all day event, entitled "Fighting Tenancy Fraud Together", takes place on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 at Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham and will be jointly chaired by Amy Hodgson from Northumberland County Council and Steven Graham from Durham County Council.

The event will include the following speakers and topics:

  • Ruth Jones, National Tenancy Fraud Forum - Overview
  • Dave Taylor, Organised Crime Disruption Unit, Durham Police 
  • Mike Neumann, ITS Training - Open Source/Investigative Interviewing
  • Sarah Cooper, National Anti-Fraud Network - Services/Poshfa
  • Steve Talbot, Civica – Tenancy Fraud, Working Together and Data Hubs
  • Paul Allen, Senior Investigator, Haringey Council – Right to Buy/Acquire & Anti-Money Laundering

Before a panel question and answer session, Alice Richardson will discuss Tenancy Fraud in the context of Possession Claims and the Right to Buy.

Alice has a particular interest in all aspects of housing law, including cases involving discrimination, human rights and public law/judicial review. Alice also undertakes regulatory work in the housing, property and local government sectors. She has particular experience advising on licensing schemes under the Housing Act 2004. She is a member of the Attorney General’s Regional Panel of Counsel and is regularly instructed by the Government Legal Department. She has also recently been appointed to the Equality and Human Rights Commission Panel of Counsel. 

Alice is a member of Trinity's Chancery, Judicial Review, Regulatory, Mental Health and Licensing practice groups.
