Nicola Allan, specialist planning barrister and Chartered Town Planner will be a guest speaker at the all day Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Rural Matters North East Conference taking place on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at the Centre for Life, Times Square, Newcastle.
The conference will be a detailed review of emerging initiatives in rural planning within rapidly changing economic and environmental conditions. Nicola will be providing a legal update on all aspects of rural planning law and joins speakers from a range of different stakeholder organisations including:
- Ross Lillico BA(Hons), MIED, MEDAS, Associate Director - Lichfields
- Calum Gillhespy, Director - GSC Grays
- Jed Griffiths, Principal, Griffiths Environmental Planning and Past RTPI President
- Stuart Timmiss, Head of Planning - Durham County Council
- James Copeland, Senior Environment and Land Use Adviser and Suzanne Clear, Senior Adviser Planning and Rural Affairs - National Farmers Union North East
To book, please visit RTPI.