Trinity is delighted to announce the award of the title Professor to member of Chambers and Door Tenant, Deveral Capps.
Deveral started his academic career teaching law at Suffolk College, now the University of Suffolk. He then moved to the North East in 1997 to join Northumbria University’s Law School, where he helped to set up their bar course and later led the course for over ten years. Deveral joined Trinity Chambers in 2008. He moved to Leeds in 2015 to be the head and then Dean of Leeds Law School at Leeds Beckett University.
Over the last 26 years, Deveral has had a significant impact on the law and legal education. He sat on the steering panel for the Legal Education and Training Review, was a member of the Advocacy Training Council, was appointed as a panel assessor to the Office for Students TEF subject pilot and co-led a £1.6m Dutch funded project to reform professional legal education in Uganda.
Deveral is a consultant to both the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board and is a member of the Executive Committee for the Heads of University Law Schools. Since 2016 he had been involved with the Bar Standards Board Future Bar Training Programme and was a member of the Programme’s oversight Board.
Perhaps most notably Deveral played a leading role in the design of the new curriculum and assessment strategy for the vocational component of a barrister’s training. Deveral is currently leading a BSB review of EU Law to determine whether it should remain as a compulsory subject for the academic component of bar training now the UK has left the EU.
The staff and members at Trinity Chambers wish Professor Capps every continued success.