• Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trinity's members and staff warmly welcome three senior door tenants to Chambers - international dispute resolution silk, mediator and arbitrator, James Corbett Q.C., Local Government law silk Kelvin Rutledge Q.C. and property specialist Andrew Francis.

James Corbett Q.C. specialises in trust, commercial and civil disputes, insolvency, regulatory compliance and investigations. After many years as a member of Serle Court Chambers, James became a partner in the London office of US/International law firm, Kobre & Kim LLP where he became Managing Partner of the firm’s Cayman Islands office. In 2018 he joined Jersey-based dispute resolution law firm Baker & Partners as Senior Counsel. During his career he has been admitted to eleven international and offshore jurisdictions including the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar. James is a Chartered Arbitrator and CEDR Mediator and has arbitrated and mediated international disputes across the world.

Local Government law specialist Kelvin Rutledge Q.C.'s practice covers most areas of local authority activity but has a particular emphasis on housing, adult social care, children’s services, land dealings and governance. Kelvin regularly represents local authorities in high profile judicial review cases, appeals, civil trials and coroners' inquests. He has related expertise in human rights, European and discrimination law and is also an experienced property lawyer. Kelvin provides advocacy, advisory and drafting services in relation to a wide range of topics including homelessness and housing allocation schemes, care homes, housing finance, elections, land appropriation, leaseholder's rights, ombudsman's complaints, ordinary residence disputes and equality duties. Kelvin regularly assists authorities in matters of policy and public governance. He also appears and advises in related areas of private law. His practice has taken him to the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice.

Andrew Francis is recognised as a leading authority on restrictive covenants affecting freehold land, rights of light and private rights of way. He is the author, and also the co-author of leading property law text books, including:
'Restrictive Covenants and Freehold Land - a Practitioner's Guide' (LexisNexis) (5th Edn., 2020).
'Rights of Light - The Modern Law' (Lexis Nexis) (3rd Edn., January 2015) (with Stephen Bickford-Smith and Tom Weekes), a new 4th edition of which is due in December 2020.
'Private Rights of Way' (Jordans) (1st Edn., 2012) (Andrew Francis and three Co-Authors).
Andrew's work also includes advice and advocacy in registered land disputes, in the First-tier Tribunal, Property Chamber and in the County Court and High Court on matters such as boundaries, easements, adverse possession and other title issues. Andrew is also instructed in property related professional negligence cases.

The new members will be involved in Chambers extensive programme of webinars as guest speakers. For further details please regularly visit Trinity's training pages and social media channels
