• Monday, February 3, 2014

On Wednesday 5 March 2014 Trinity matrimonial finance barrister, Nicola Shaw and Trinity Chancery barrister,Henry Stevens will be delivering a Cohabitation Law and Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (ToLATA) refresher and case law update to members of Young Resolution North East.

The training event will take place from 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start at the offices of Ward Hadaway Solicitors, Sandgate House, 102 Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne. The event costs £18 for Young Resolution members and £24 for non members. Those wishing to attend this training event should contact either Katrina Pescott,katrinapescott@benhoarebell.co.uk or Sarah Harding Sarah.Harding@SilkFamilyLaw.co.uk.

Nicola Shaw is a member of Trinity Chambers' Family and Matrimonial Finance group which was recently recognised in the 2013 Legal 500 as a "a strong, switched-on family law set" and in Chambers UK 2014 "Trinity Chambers has cemented its position as one of the leading sets in the North East, and is renowned for its expertise across all aspects of family law. Its members are commended for their fantastic span of specialist family law knowledge, which ranges from complex ancillary relief to the heavy end of children's proceedings, including international abductions and sensitive public law cases." As well as sitting as a Deputy District Judge, Nicola is a Family Law Arbitrator and member of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (IFLA) Panel.

Henry Stevens is a barrister in Trinity Chambers' Chancery group which was also recognised in Chambers UK 2014 "Trinity Chambers is highly regarded on the North-Eastern Circuit for complex chancery work. The set's chancery group handles a broad variety of matters, with members' expertise sought out in relation to property, probate, trusts and estate, and landlord and tenant disputes."
